Pierce, J. E., Wig, G. S., Harp, N. R., & Neta, M. (in press). Resting-state functional network segregation of the default mode network predicts valence bias across the lifespan.
Haque, E., Harp, N. R., & Neta, M. (in press). Greater social network complexity mitigates pandemic-related negativity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Dworetsky, A., Seitzman, B. A., Adeyemo, B., Nielsen, A. N., Hatoum, A. S., Smith, D. M., Nichols, T. E., Neta, M., Petersen, S. E., & Gratton, C. (2024). Two common and distinct forms of variation in human functional brain networks. Nature Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01618
Kupka, G., Humphries, A., & Neta, M. (2024). Relating objective measures of physical activity to emotion regulation. Affective Science.
Bouchard, H. C., Higgins, K. L., Amadon, G. K., Laing, J. M., Maerlander, A., Al-Momani, S., Albers, L., Neta, M., Savage, C. R., & Schultz, D. H. (2023). Concussion-related disruptions to hub connectivity in the default mode network are related to symptoms and cognitive performance. Journal of Neurotrauma. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.07.531551v1
Dworetsky, A., Seitzman, B. A., Adeyemo, B., Neta, M., Coalson, R. S., Petersen, S. E., & Gratton, C. (2021). Probabilistic mapping of human functional brain networks identifies regions of high group consensus. NeuroImage. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118164
Gratton, C., Neta, M., Sun, H., Ploran, E. J., Schlaggar, B.L., Wheeler, M. E., Petersen, S. E., & Nelson, S. M. (2017). Distinct stages of moment-to-moment processing in the cinguloopercular and frontoparietal networks. Cerebral Cortex, 27(3), 2403-2417. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw092.
Bar, M., Neta, M., & Linz, H. (2006). Very first impressions. Emotion, 6, 269-278.
Manuscripts in preparation or review
Pierce, J. E., Grisso, M., & Neta, M. (revise-resubmit). Intersection of biases: In-group positivity for racially diverse ambiguous facial expressions. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Gratton, C. Dworetsky, A., Seitzman, B. A., Adeyemo, B., Petersen, S. E., & Neta, M. (revise-resubmit). The architecture of the cingulo-opercular network reveals two distinct sub-systems. (+equal contribution) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.16.508254v1.full.pdf
Schultz, D. H., Bouchard, H. C., Barbot, M. C., Laing-Young, J. M., Chiao, A., Higgins, K. L., Barbey, A. K., Savage, C. R., & Neta, M. (under review). Self-reported concussion history is not related to cortical volume in college athletes.
Pierce, J. E., Harp, N. R., Gross, J. J., & Neta, M. (under review). Valence bias arises from both positive and negative responses to ambiguous stimuli.
Pierce, J. E., Chan, L., & Neta, M. (under review). A novel measure of affective flexibility predicts better reappraisal in children. Preprint available: https://psyarxiv.com/agvm5/
Lorenz, T. K. Harp, N. R., Angeletti, P., & Neta, M. (under review). Chronic stress may amplify gender/sex differences in amygdala reactivity to ambiguous emotional stimuli.
Kupka, G., Humphries, A., Harp, N. R., Nelson, T. D., & Neta, M. (under review). Objective measures of physical activity as a compensatory mechanism of emotion regulation.
Buchanan, E. M., Cuccolo, K., …Neta, M., … Lewis, S. C. (under review). Measuring the semantic priming effect across many languages. Stage 2 Registered Report at Nature Human Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/q4fjy